24.06.2015 Арнольд Джейкобс "Почти Жизнь" - видеокурс
"За семь десятилетий в Индианаполисе, Питтсбурга и Чикаго симфоний, Арнольд Джейкобс заработал репутацию исполнителя на тубе мирового класса. Столь же важными является его педагогическая деятельность, где тысячи студентов прошли великую школу исполнительства".
Arnold Jacobs - Almost Live
Живая презентация и видеоклипы Арнольда Джейкобса
Арнольд Джейкобс, основной тубист Чикагского Симфонического Оркестра с 1944 г., обучался в Институте Музыки Куртиса в Филадельфии. Он преподавал в течение долгих лет в Северозападном Университете, читал лекции и проводил теоретические занятия повсеместно в США и Канаде. Джейкобс был членом Брасс-квинтета Чикагского Симфонического Оркестра и записал Концерт для тубы В. Уильямса с этим оркестром под управлением Дэниэля Баренбойма.
Арнольд Джейкобс - Наследие Мастера (читать)
А.Джейкобс "Почти Жизнь" представляет собой ряд видео уроков, мастер-классов, в которых показаны экстраординарные и очень важные приемы исполнительства на духовых инструментах, в первую очередь для тубистов.
The Performer
"Through his unstinting support and encouragement of generations of brass players the world over, he has justifiably become a legend in his own lifetime." - Sir Georg Solti
Videos from Masterclasses and private interviews. Photos from the Jacobs Family, Chicago Symphony Archives and other sources.
Subjects in The Performer
- Early Days - The Early Days; Curtis Institute; Philip Donatelli; Influential Teachers at Curtis
- Professional Experience - Indianapolis, Pittsburgh and All-American Youth Orchestras
- Chicago Symphony - History, Conductors, Colleagues, Brass Quintet Retirement, Honors and Awards; York Tuba; Gunnison Music Camp; Bill Bell & Harvey Phillips; Slide Presentation from A Tribute to Arnold Jacobs
Music Selections in The Performer
- Moussorgsky / Ravel, Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Raphael Kubelik
- Moussorsky / Ravel, Pictures at an Exhibition, Bydlo, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Raphael Kubelik
- Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra, second movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner
- Prokoviev, Battle on Ice from Alexander Nevsky, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner
- Moussorgsky/ Ravel, Pictures at an Exhibition, Great Gate of Kiev, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner
- Wagner, Overture to Die Miestersinger, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique - Fifth Movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Mahler, Symphony #2, fifth movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Mahler, Symphony #5, first movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Berlioz, Romeo and Juliet, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti (Video)
- Rimsky Korsakov, Russian Easter Overture, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim
- Mahler, Symphony #3, first movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Mahler, Symphony #3, fifth movement, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
- Strauss, Ein Heldenleiben, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner
- Mendelssohn, Midsummer's Night Dream, Scherzo, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Jean Martinon
- Beethoven, Quartet Opus 18 No 2, Chicago Symphony Brass Quintet
- Berlioz, Rakoczy March, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Trombone and Tuba Sections, Joseph Kreines
- Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Trombone and Tuba Sections, Joseph Kreines
- Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon Quarti Toni, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago Brass Ensembles
- Strauss, Also Sprach Zarastrustra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti (Video)
- Monti, Czardas, Arnold Jacobs practice tape
- Paganini, Moto Perpetuo, Gunnison, Colorado, Bill Bell, Arnold Jacobs, Harvey Phillips soloists
- Ralph Vaughan Williams - Concerto for Bass Tuba and Orchestra - Second Movement, Arnold Jacobs, soloist, Chicago Symphony, Henry Mazer
The Teacher
"As a master teacher, it can be said that Arnold Jacobs never met a musician he could not improve" - Harvey Phillips
Statements from Students and Colleagues
Subjects in The Teacher
- Study of Psyiology; Student's Problems; Got a Problem
- Imparting and Gathering Information - Psychomotor Activities; Basis of Teaching; Imparting Information to a Student;
- Differences in Students; Make Statements
- Students - Beginning Students; Demonstrating Instruments to Beginning Students; Elementary Artist; Greatest Teaching Problem
- Procedures - Scales; Phrasing for Beginners; Phrases; Study of Music;
- Solfege; Intonation; Vibrato
- Practicing - Don't Practice Mediocrity; Practice Programs
- Musician First - X Player; Be an Artist
- Positive Influence - Make Bad notes into good ones
- Influence on Musicians - Influence on Profession; Generations
Song and Wind
After mastering the physiology of the human body, Mr. Jacobs studied the psychology of how the body is controlled.
Subjects in Song (and Wind)
Study of Psychology
- Psychomotor Activities - Senses; Paralysis by Analysis; Tell the truth to the body;
Product, not methodology
- Conditioned Reflexes - Bad Habits; Simplicity; Hardware/Software; Shades of Grey; From crudities come skills; Concentrate on strengths, not weaknesses; Imitation; Play like this!; Play it like Bud!; Work away from the Instrument; Using other senses with devices in studio
- Concepts of Music - Just press valves??; Horn in the hand, horn in the head; Mistakes; Starting Note; Song and Wind; X Player; Rules; Horn has no brains; Sing the part!
Breathing Part I
Mr. Jacobs had a world class reputation being the authority on breathing for wind instruments. Here he explains the history, physiology and problems of breathing.
Follow charts as Mr. Jacobs talks about the body. Featuring rare photos for the first time!
Subjects in Breathing Part I
Most common teaching problem; Respiratory concepts from the 'Old School.'
- Physiology of Breathing - Physiology of the Respiratory System; Inhalation/Exhalation Cycle (Graphic); Bellows; Blow from the Diaphragm; Uses of the Respiratory System; Muscle Antagonists; Problems with the 'Old School' method; Breaking Rules
- Air flow vs. air pressure - Phenomena of Wind; Air Pressure/Air Volume; Air like a Fountain; Billings Hospital tests (around 1960); High flow Instruments; Instrument flow rates; Static Pressure; Valsalva
- Vital Capacity - Shallow Breathing; Body Typing and Vital Capacity; Spirometers and Voldyne
- Relaxation Pressure Curve - Boyle’s Law; Relaxation Pressure Curve; Waste air, it costs nothing
- Shallow Breathing - Women; Aging Process
- Mr. Jacobs' Capacity - One Lung??; Mr. Jacobs' Capacity
Breathing Part II
Mr. Jacobs was famous for diagnosing a problem then fixing it with the most efficiency. Here he explains solutions to many common breathing problems.
Mr. Jacobs explains the use of breathing devices
Subjects in Breathing Part II
- Teaching Physical Problems - Inhalation/Exhalation Cycle (Graphic); Expanding the Sternum; Think of Dolly Parton; Breathe to expand, don't expand to breathe; Minimal Motors; Yawn; Breathing through the Nose; Slow vs. Fast Breath; Posture; Palpating Students; Hypoventilation
- Breathing Devices - Working away from the Instrument; Breathing Devices; Voldyne, Inspiron; Inspiron with mouthpiece; Breath Builder; Air Bag; Why use them;
- Mr. Jacobs works with a student
- Finale - Importance of Breath
Breathing Exercises
One of the most popular segments of a Jacobs Masterclass was breathing exercises. Mr. Jacobs developed these for his own use over the years.
Subjects in Breathing Exercises
Huge Yawn
- Breathing Exercises - Posture Study; Study in Thirds; Slow Breath; Study in 5/4; Fast Breath; Fast Breath (Two Bar); Equal Pressure Exercise
Frequency of Exercises
Tongue and Throat
The most common problems I have seen over the last sixty-odd years I have been teaching are with the tongue and the diaphragm.
Subjects in The Tongue
Use of the tongue; Cause and effect of problems with the tongue; Nuicence value of the tongue; The Throat and Tongue; Use of Speech
- Vowels - Vowels; Raising, lowering tongue; Languages
- Consonants - Vowel/Consonant Relationship; Staccato notes; Double/Triple Tonguing
- Air Stream - Bernoulli Principal; Pressure behind the Tongue; Play to lips, not the tongue
- Throat - Palpation of the Throat; Opening of the Throat; Throat/Larynx; Tonsils
- Mr. Jacobs works with a Student - Cause and Effect!
"I rarely find problems with the embouchure. That might sound strange because people come to see me because of problems with their embouchure, but frequently it is the embouchure reacting to a bad set of circumstances and failing—it is simply cause and effect."
Anatomical Charts, Jacobs' Mouthpiece Drills and Photos of the CSO Brass Section (From Phil Farkas' Art of Brass Playing)
Mr. Jacobs' famous embouchure trick!
Subjects in The Embouchure
Major Teaching Problems
- Control, Air and Vibration - Control of the embouchure, Cranial Nerves; Fuel for Vibration; Vibration of the Embouchure; Blow without Buzzing; Isolation of the Lip; Length, Thickness and Tension; Tuba High Range/Rules; Embouchure Length
- Buzzing - Buzzing on the Mouthpiece; Buzzing without a rim, Buzzing with rim vs. mouthpiece, Rim Workout; Sound of Buzz; Buzzing with Decibel Meter
- Jacobs' Mouthpiece Drills - Mouthpiece Drill #1; Mouthpiece Drill #2; Mouthpiece Drill #3
- Double Buzz; Strengthening Embouchure Musculature
- Mouthpiece Placement - Mouthpiece pressure against the Lips; Finding the spot; Feel of the embouchure; Changing Embouchures Position; Pictures of CSO Brass Section Embouchures
- Mr. Jacobs’ Embouchure
- Mr. Jacobs Works with a Student - Changing Embouchure Placement
The Jacobs studio attracted players of all wind instruments and vocalists. Of course, each instrument has their own particular problems.
Subjects in Instruments
Instrument Factors
- Brass Instruments - Variables; Switching Mouthpieces
- Tuba - BB flat vs. CC; (under) Privlidged Notes
- Trombone - Bass Trombone
- Trumpet - High Range
- Horn - Pottag Book
- Woodwinds
- Flute - Capacity / Afternoon of a Fawn; Venturi
- Clarinet
- Bassoon - Double Reeds
- Oboe - Hypoventilation
- Vocalists - Singers
Ask Mr Jacobs
Mr. Jacobs usually closed masterclasses with a session where students asked the master questions. In preparation for Arnold Jacobs Almost Live, we have looked through masterclass tapes from 1984-1998. In Ask Mr. Jacobs some of the most common questions are answered plus students are invited to ask questions. With over 150 gigabytes of video files, if there is a video clip of Mr Jacobs talking about a specific subject, it is played. While Mr. Jacobs is no longer with us, this is the next best thing!
Ask Mr. Jacobs is a unique ending for Arnold Jacobs Almost Live. As the questions vary, each session is different. Videos of Mr. Jacobs and recordings of the Chicago Symphony are played. There are a few subjects that do not fit in the other sessions that are brought up. Finally, Mr Jacobs plays the tuba and says goodbye. This is not the end of the session! Those who studied with Mr Jacobs form a panel to add their own comments and discuss Mr. Jacobs' teachings to the new generation of Jacobs students!
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Это интересно
Арнольд Джейкобс - Наследие Мастера (М.Дии Стюарт)
Интервью с Арнольдом Джейкобсом (Билл Руссо)